I want to be a Web Developer

Hello, This is me. I am passionate on coding, have a good learning attitude, love exploring new things and accepting new challenges.

I started my bachelor degree in 2017 at the department of computer science and biomedical informatics at the University of Thessaly in Greece.

My first contact with coding was in Uni, learned C and Java. After that I tried to learn some front end myself, ive done a couple of courses online developing skills and learning Html Css and Javascript, recently got into React as well.

I have joined the community a few days ago, i also came for a visit to your office (Sarah was very kind and helpful btw) although it is just a short period of time, the first impression and the experience is impressive.

As a member of the community, it would be a great pleasure if I could be involved in the coming cohort and I hope my abilities and passion would make contribution to the groupmates and achieve collective learning.

About me

about me

coding skills

html 90%

css 70%

js 60%

professional skills

web design 80%

web development 75%

responsive design 90%

Hobby Page

Started from basic HTML single static page with some ugly CSS styling and a bit of Javascript displaying my Hobbies.

Project Gallery

Showing some of my projects, i built a responsive website. Clicking the description button you see some more description using Javascript (Doesnt work very well but thats what was supposed to do)

Comment Box

Created a form where you can add your name email and the comment you want to leave, appending the information in another section.It also checks how many words you typing not letting you submit a comment with more than 140 words. The text color becomes red if you do and you get an alert message.

Movie Data

Using React, (which i didnt know i could use React the instructions today) I destructed the Oject that i had given containing the Films informations deployng them. You can delete the movie you dont like by pressing the red button on the top and you can Add another movie of your choice pressing the green button. Used React Hooks to get the information.

Website Portfolio

I built a personal portfolio using pure Html Css and javascript where i tell my story, show some of my work and the progress made by the challenges. There is also a contact form at the end which i hope you use it and give me a call after the review.

Fortune Teller

Another project in React where can ask questions about your future. I fetched the answers from an Api, generating a random answer every time you ask a different question. No same questions allowed. The background changes as well every time you get a new answer!

my portfolio









contact me